Shown below are photographic reproductions of original signs artistically designed and painted by the artist. Each sign is hand made from "fencewood" by the artist, and then colorfully painted to represent different themes. The artist's focus is primarily on historical adaptations of old store signs, soda pop signs, fishing and hunting themes, western, and rustic decor designs. All signs are totally original, made and signed by the artist, and available for sale to the public, as well as retailers, wholesalers, and designers.
All signs are hand-paintined, and made of sturdy fencewood, and weatherable outdoor latex paint in full color. These signs look really nice indoors as well as mounted outside in the elements. All my designs are based on antique lettering, fonts and designs inspired by antiques and design books I collect. I prefer to hand letter and paint everything, so it has that one-of-a-kind authenticity. These are not antiques, but original pieces of artwork and craftmanship. So many companies are reproducing antiques by using printed replicas and mass-manufactured sign sheets. While, my work is all hand-done. And as well, over time, these signs should rise in value, as my artist name signed on painted products and furniture is valued, but rare, in the rustic furniture, collectible, and antique world. For this reason, my work is slightly higher priced, as I consider these signed works of art. Every piece I do sign on the back. Same for all custom artwork on request.
SHIPPING: All shipping costs must be paid for by the customer, and vary depending on weight, bulk order size, location and freight type preferred. Generally you should consider a minimum charge of $25 per sign starting. We like UPS and ground freight, but its up to you what you prefer. We package everything carefully in cardboard prior to shipping, and our product is so sturdy it will generally arrive ready to mount. If any damage occurs, we gladly will work with you by discounting your next order, or accepting a return. We cant cover shipping charge, except coming back.
Custom signs are available, including store and restaurant advertising, custom lettering to match your location, as well as big discounts on large orders of identical items. For custom work, just send me your ideas by email I I will send you a quote. On all lake signs, all that is needed is your local lake name, and that is free, as long as it fits within the sign border and limited to a similar word range as shown in the photos. Price quotes and discounts apply for bulk orders totally $1000 .
(Please see my Order Information Page for more information). You may view all the signs shown here by simply scrolling down. Thanks for your time, and please feel free to browse...
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| | TITLE: BIG OL' BASS-OF-THE-LAKE SIZE: 3'x3'(large) In the deepest, darkest waters of the lake sleeps the "Big Ol' Bass". He lurks below, far away from the wary fisherman, and skeptical of every lure that passes his way.
Painted in bold colors, this wood cut-out of a black bass "Bait" shop sign looks great on any fisherman's wall. Custom lettering is available. (ex: your name, your lake, etc.) COST: $165 | |
TITLE: Circular Lake Sign With Bear SIZE: 28"x28" w/ raised cut-out This circular sign is a reminder of old lake house signs seen hanging outside old fishing lodges. This sign contains a raised Grizzly Bear & Trout cut-out, which makes it ideal for decorating high country lodges. All we need is your lodge or lake name to make this sign complete.
COST: $275 | | | |
| | TITLE: Circular Lake Sign with Trout SIZE: 28"x28" w/ raised cut-out Similar to the Circular Bear Sign above, this lake sign uses a colorful rainbow trout to decorate its right border. As in the sign above, wooden fence planks are used to build this rustic piece. Please include your lake or lodge name when ordering.
COST: $275 | |
TITLE: Circular Lake Sign with Bass SIZE: 28"x28" w/ raised cut-out Similar to the Circular Trout Sign above, this lake sign uses a large black bass to decorate its right border. This makes it ideal for decorating any fisherman's wall. Please include your lake name when ordering.
COST: $275 | | | |
| | TITLE: Indian Lodge Sign SIZE: 4'x2'(large)w/ raised cut-out The Indian Lodge Sign is similar to ones seen outside old campground lodges, which were used to welcome tourists. With its raised old chief head, and custom lettering, you can have your own lodge name painted here and use it to welcome people to your lodge.
COST: $450 | |
TITLE: Lake Sign with Canoe SIZE: 40"x24"(large)w/ raised cut-out Let your visitors know that you have canoes for rent! Or, just hang this replica of an old lodge canoe rental sign(complet with painted birchbark canoe) in your cabin as a reminder of your favorite pastime. Your lake name is required.
COST: $125 | | | |
| | TITLE: Cabin Signs SIZE: 30"x12" (pair) This pair of rustic red signs are great for adding a bit of bold color to your cabin decor. Try hanging them outside to direct others to your favorite sites. You may substitute your own name idea here, up to 10 letters.
COST: $120 (pair) | |
TITLE: Cigar Store Sign SIZE: 32"x32" In the old days, many types of wooden signs were hung in stores to advertise cigars. This Victorian sign advertises Cuban-American Cigars, which are still made to this day in parts of Florida. (You may add the name of your favorite cigar, limited to twenty letters.)
COST: $200 | | | |
| | TITLE: Cigar Indian Sign SIZE: 48"x20" (large) Hand-carved cigar store indians are a relic of the past, as well as a reminder of the beautiful work of talented craftsmen. The Cigar Indian Sign is a replica of those pieces, and a reminder of a by-gone era when tobacco advertising was colorful and inventive.
COST: $350 | |
TITLE: Cuban Cigar Sign SIZE: 48"x12" Hang a huge Cuban cigar on your wall! This sign looks great with other cigar memorabilia.
COST: $125 | | | |
| | TITLE: Trout Sign SIZE: 40"x12" In the cool waters of a mountain stream swims a lone rainbow trout. His colors shine in the sun, and his long body slinks silently through the clear water.
Use this colorful sign to advertise your lake or cabin. Let them know a fisherman lives here! COST: $150 | |
TITLE: Coca-Cola Sign SIZE: 48"x20" Everyone loves old cola signs! And everyone has seen weathered or rusting Coke signs on the side of some old store. Here is my version of the soft drink of choice!
COST: $180 | | | |
| | TITLE: Old Dr. Pepper Sign SIZE: 40"x20" Here is a replica of the old classic Waco, Texas softdrink sign. The soft drink's original antique fonts and colors were used in recreating this unique sign.
COST: $180 | |
TITLE: American Lodge Sign SIZE: 3'x2' This lodge sign uses an antique white background with red lettering to boldly display its title. Decorative pine needles and an ornamental border give this rustic sign a nineteenth century feel. You may substitute your own name for the one shown.
COST: $350 | | | |
| | TITLE: Western Saloon Sign SIZE: 3'x4'(large) Barnwood works well when displayed in the raw, and in recreating signs of the wild west. This old saloon sign uses original nineteenth century lettering and ornamentation, along with stained and unpainted wood, to convey the spirit of the Old West. Again, custom lettering is available.
COST: $300 | |
TITLE: Welcome Sign SIZE: 30"x20" Sometimes simple is better! Use this small early American sign to welcome your guests.
COST: $125 | | | |
| | TITLE: Open Sign SIZE: 12"x16" This sign is great for store owners who want something that has that antique look and feel. The piece is stained and is painted with "closed" on the back.
COST: $80 | |
TITLE: American Flag Sign SIZE: 3'x4' (large) Painted barnwood flags look great with any kind of rustic decor. These signs with their bold colors and old wooden fence planks give the sign an early American Folk Art look and feel.
COST: $95 | | | |
| | TITLE: Rio Grande Fishing Sign SIZE: 40"x20" Capture the feeling of a fly-fishing lodge! This signs has it all; a rainbow trout, fishing flies, minnows, hooks, and bold, antique lettering. If you have a favorite river or stream name, we will use it instead of the traditional one shown.
COST: $300 | |
TITLE: Quiet Moose Lodge Sign(1) SIZE: 54"x28" (large) Wooden signs have commonly been used in advertsising old Trading Goods Stores of the high country. This replica of the Quiet Moose Lodge Sign is a popular item. With its central artwork and bright colors, this bold sign will liven up any wall space. We hope you will send us your personal lodge or cabin name.
COST: $350 | | | |
| | TITLE: Quiet Moose Lodge Sign(2) SIZE: 42"x28"(large) This is a slightly smaller version of the large Quiet Moose Sign. This one has a bold moose head in the center, along with decorative powder blue border. You may place your name here instead of the one shown.
COST: $260 | |
TITLE: Quiet Moose Lodge Sign(3) SIZE: 54"x28"(large) As shown above, this sign is a great example of the possibilities available when designing rustic lodge signs from barnwood. Another example of this popular sign is shown, having slightly different coloring and artwork.
COST: $450 | | | |
| | TITLE: Custom Store Signs SIZE: many sizes available Here is one example of a simple store sign painted with decorative lettering on a raw wood backdrop.
If you have a specific sign idea for your store or home, please review all the products on this page and send us your ideas through e-mail. Much larger sizes are available, as well as various types of lettering and artwork.
COST: custom prices - please write us for a quote | |
TITLE: NEW LOGGED SIGNS! SIZE: approx. 3'x4'(large) These new log signs are perfect for lodges and cabins. Hand-carved ponderosa pine is used in every sign, along with antique laquering. Choose a lodge name and a type of artwork for your custom sign. Please write us for an accurate price quote on other sizes and bulk orders.
COST: $750 | | | |